In March and April, we move on to the next Holy Habit in our study series and the following is taken from the introduction to the holy habit of WORSHIP found in the series booklet.
Worship features prominently in Luke’s writings. He presents people praising God in response to experiencing God’s loving help or saving grace. Praise and Worship flow from gratitude for who God is and what God has done. There is a risk that we think of Worship only as something that happens when Christians gather for an hour or two. While gatherings are a habit to be encouraged, there is much more to Worship than this. Worship is a way of life, one encapsulated in the Jewish Shema: a prayer which is the centre piece of Jewish morning and evening prayer services. It includes these words from Deuteronomy 6 v 5: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Worship offered as grateful response involves all of our lives; our work, rest, enjoyment of creation, service, eating, giving – and, yes, our gatherings for the focused activity of services of Worship. Tending crops, forming an algorithm, building a house or serving a customer can all be done as acts of Worship to the glory of God, as can the singing of songs, the offering of dance, sculpture or art and the praying of prayers. Comments are closed.
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