We had a lot of fun at holiday Bible club from Monday to Thursday of half-term. The children were split into three groups according to age. We had games, songs and a Bible story that was split into smaller parts. The story was about Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, so on Monday, we built our own walls up Pole Hill out of branches. On Wednesday, we went in search of the letters in “Nehemiah” and our group found 9½ full “Nehemiah”s. The main song we sang was “Ace Foundations” and we also sang “Boing” which was good fun. We made some new friends and enjoyed playing with old ones. At the beginning of each session we had free time when you could play games, do wordsearches or build things like Lego or a marble run. Some of my friends and I made a massive marble run out of four smaller ones. By Lydia Haigh Comments are closed.
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