On Saturday 14 July from 2:30pm until 4:30pm, Becky Ford from the Red Balloon Family will be leading a workshop for anybody and everybody who is interested in the possibility of us putting together a ‘show’.
The workshop is for all ages and all abilities and all interests. You don’t have to be a singer or a dancer or an actor or a musician; you just need to come along and join in the fun. The idea is to think about what kind of a ‘show’ we would like to do, and try out some ideas. Each of the churches in the Forest Group has done something similar in the past (even if in the distant past!). Come and share your stories of those times, and if you have a talent, come and share that with us too. The idea is to have fun together. Becky is an experienced workshop leader and has put together many different kinds of shows. The workshop will take place at Woodford Green URC and will be followed by tea. Comments are closed.
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